Uber Eats

Working with the Uber Eats team, we managed the creative social output for UK markets across the brand social pages.

Uber and Uber Eats are not just delivery services for both passengers and food, they are global brands passionate about the people at the heart of what they do.

We worked closely with the client to understand their upcoming priorities, such as new restaurants arriving on the Uber Eats service, partnerships and collaborations, as well as proposing creative activity around cultural trends and talking points. We also wanted to ensure that all creative content made catered for a number of different seasonal occasions such as the Premier League, GCSE results day right through to Fresher’s Week – Uber Eats wanted to be at the heart of these conversations, and it was our job to make sure that they were, but in a creative and considered way.

As well as curating the creative output, we also worked with their external media agency to manage the paid budget and distribution across a number of their social posts and campaigns.

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